Podcast with Purpose - UNLOCKED with Tracy Wilson

"Finding Focus & Productivity: A Journey to Harmonise Success"

Tracy Wilson Season 4 Episode 210

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Have you ever struggled with focus and productivity in your work or personal life? 

 Do you find it challenging to relax and unwind after a long day?

Welcome to this episode, where we explore the power of sound in promoting relaxation and productivity. In today's episode, we speak with Wayne Altman, the founder of Melody Clouds, who discovered the healing potential of binaural beats after suffering from tinnitus. He created a platform with over 300,000 files of music, binaural beats, and Solfeggio frequencies to help people overcome tinnitus and enhance their focus and well-being.

Join us as we discuss the science behind binaural beats and Solfeggio frequencies, the impact of sound on our emotions, and how entrepreneurs and business owners can incorporate these tools into their daily lives. Wayne shares his entrepreneurial journey and his vision for the future of sound therapy.

If you're looking for ways to boost your productivity, reduce stress, or just want to learn more about the fascinating world of sound therapy, tune in to our podcast and let us help you unlock the power of sound.

Connect with Wayne:
Website: www.melodycloud.com
Facebook: facebook.com/MelodyCloudsMeditation

Connect with me: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tracy_m_wilson
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tracymwilsonunlocked
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Website: www.tracymwilson.com

Chapter Summaries:

Have you ever struggled with focus, and productivity in your work life or your personal life? Do you ever find it challenging to relax? If that sounds like you, continue to tune in and listen to today's show.

Today's episode is called Harmonizing Entrepreneurial Success. Wayne Altman is the founder of Melody Clouds, who discovered the power of binaural beats after suffering tinnitus. This episode is going to be one of those must-listen to for entrepreneurs.

Tinnitus is an injury. What you've done is you've damaged your audio nerve. It is absolutely brutal. Not just for me, but for the millions and millions of people who suffer from tinnitus. Here's how you can overcome this debilitating disease.

Binaural beats and Sulfagio Frequencies can help people cope with tinnitus. The condition can make it difficult to concentrate or to deal with relationships. It can also be a problem from an entrepreneurial standpoint.

An Italian monk in the 11th century observed that even if you can't sing or play a musical instrument when someone is singing out of tune. Our catchphrase is take charge of your mood. Listen to music that makes you happy.

Every movie, with the exception of about 17 out of the millions of movies that have been made, even silent movies were not silent. The Birds, one of the movies I'm talking abo

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Hey, good morning, everybody. I've got a question for you before we kick off today's show. And my question to you today is, have you ever struggled with focus, productivity in your work life or your personal life? Do you ever find that a challenge? Do you ever find it challenging to relax? You ask my husband. He will tell you that I find it really difficult to sometimes just unwind and relax, particularly after a really, really busy day. So if you can relate to that, if that sounds like you have trouble relaxing, and trying to unwind after a busy day, then I want to tell you that you need to continue to tune in and listen to today's show. So I want to say welcome to the unlocked show. I'm your host, Tracy Wilson. It's always a pleasure to be here with you guys. And in today's episode called Harmonizing Entrepreneurial Success, I have got an amazing guest that is going to be sharing with us exactly how you can overcome that I just spoke about, that ability or inability to be able to create focus and get productivity in your life and be able to relax and unwind. So if you've been searching for that, then today's guest, Mr. Wayne Altman is here to actually help you with that. He is the founder of Melody Clouds, who discovered the power of binaural beats after suffering tinnitus. And I want to say, oh, my God, that ringing in your ears constantly would be absolutely brutal, drive you absolutely nuts. So I want to let you know that Wayne has created a platform with over 8000 hours of let me get the pronunciation of this correctly sulfur. I never get it right. Sulfur. Geo and binary beats. Solfeggio,  There you go. Thank you. Beats and guided meditations. And he's created over 16,000 audiobooks, and translated them into over 100 different languages to help people all over the world, just like you achieve relaxation and focus. And this episode is going to be one of those must listen for entrepreneurs and all you busy people out there who want to find some level of, I want to say, relaxation and focus in your life and be able to get a sense of balance. So welcome to the show, Wayne. It is fantastic to have you here.

Wayne Altman 00:02:26

Thank you for having me, Tracy. Look, it's my pleasure to be here. I'm glad I was able to figure it out.

Tracy Wilson 00:02:34

Wayne and I were having a little bit of a giggle before we jumped on the show and it helps when we end up in the same room together. When we end up in a different room, it's a little bit hard to have a conversation on the show, but I'm super grateful that he is here. So tell us first a little bit about, I suppose your history and obviously, you had that really brutal and challenging, I want to say disease of tedious. And tell us a little bit about that and what were you going through at that time, and maybe you're still suffering from it today.

Wayne Altman 00:03:07

Oh, for sure. Right now, I hear nothing but a big ringing in my ears. Tinnitus is an injury. What you've done is you've damaged your audio nerve. It's similar to if you bang your elbow and you hit your funny bone and you get that jolt. Basically what it is, is you're hearing that ringing, that whooshing, that whatever the sound it makes, you're hearing that injury. And so it you're right. It is absolutely brutal. Not just for me, but for the millions and millions of people who suffer from tinnitus or tinnitus, depending on where in the world you are. I got mine. I served eight and a half years in the military. I was in the army, 8th Engineers. We blew up bridges, we ran a lot of artillery. And so that is really, I think, at the root of now. But it could be dentist drills. I get a lot of dentists that contact me wow. And say, can you help me? Because the drill that I use, they didn't always use the silent drills. Or I've got three girls and I am constantly listening to their earbuds to make sure that they're not jacking the sound up really loud. So loud music, any loud noise is going to give you musicians get it a lot as well.

Tracy Wilson 00:04:29

And so that, I suppose that constant ringing in your ears, creating that distraction, the annoyance of not being able to really hear things clearly and be able to decipher a lot of stuff that would be clear to other people without having to kind of block out that ringing and that awful noise in the background.

Wayne Altman 00:04:52

It's crazy trying to go to sleep at night when I've got two things going against me. Number one, I'm a mind racer. So I will lay in bed and I will think about all of the things I did, the things I need to do, the things I will do later. And so trying to get in my body is exhausted and it's kind of saying, hey, we're tired. My mind is like, no, we've got a plenty of stuff to do. On top of that, then having tinnitus, which is, like I said, for me, it is a ringing in my ear. It makes it very difficult to fall asleep, or did make it very difficult to fall asleep before I discovered or was kind of had a very good friend of mine that kind of put his arm around me and said, I want you to listen to something. And this is back last May. Last May. And so, look, I've tried every tinnitus remedy that's out there I'm aware of, and nothing so far has even come close to working. I've spent a ton of money, and I'm sure most people who suffer from this spend a great deal of money. He put some headphones on me and said, I'm going to play a couple of tracks for you. And it was a very new AG, very woo woo. Did you redu? And I'm not that guy. But the third track he played me, boom, gone. All I heard was the music, and I lost a color in my face. He's like, oh, we found it one week later. Go flash forward one week. I'd already bought the domain melodyclouds.com. I have the website. We're up and running 300,000 files later, I'm all in neck deep.

Tracy Wilson 00:06:42

Gosh that happens in such a short space of time. And what's quite amazing about your journey is that from somebody who is suffering from something, knowing that you're not the only person who's suffering from this debilitating thing that's going on with you, realizing that. Gosh I'm trying my hardest to try and figure out, how can I make this go away? How can I make it subside? How can I get on with my daily life without having to deal with this? And then stumbling across this through a good friend of yours, putting them around you, saying, hey, look, put these on. And how interesting is that? That a pair of headphones that you are constantly checking for your children to make sure are not too loud are actually the cure, the savior for you in trying to overcome this debilitation that you have and then figuring out that actually this has got so much more power than just helping me with my tinnitus or my tinnitus. So do you want to talk a little bit about that and how you kind of came to discover that this that I have now found these binaural beats and this particular type of music. How did you figure out that it has so much more power than just to help you find some let's call it clear space with your tinnitus?

Wayne Altman 00:08:18

This is such a good question, and I'll tell you why. Because it took me a long time, three, four months, before I ever even listened to anything that was going to help me sleep or was going to give me that focus feeling, that in the zone feeling. Again, I'm not the woo woo guy I thought that this was. And then I started reading the Science of Binaural Beats and Sulfagio Frequencies, and I realized that what people were doing was sound. And I used to use this as an example to let people know how serious this is. There's a restaurant chain in the state called Texas Roadhouse, and the CEO mentioned specifically in his suicide note, the tinnitus had just brutalized him. He couldn't take it anymore. And he used that as a reason, listed that as a reason. I stopped doing it so much because, number one, out of respect, but number two, it's not an exception. We're finding a lot of people who are at their wits end at the end of their rope, and they mention it either before prior to or you find out later on that they suffered from this injury and they were trying to deal with it. It's very difficult to concentrate. It's very hard to be in a crowded room and hear what's going on around you. We couldn't communicate earlier because we had a technical difficulty. I got very good at reading lips. I knew exactly what you were saying to me, and it was shocking how quickly you will, but how quickly you'll adjust. But that doesn't help so much when you're trying to go to sleep or when you're trying to enjoy a movie and you're sitting right next to my wife's name is Tracy too. My Tracy.

Tracy Wilson 00:10:28

Good woman, I bet.

Wayne Altman 00:10:30

What's that?

Tracy Wilson 00:10:31

I said, she's a good woman, I bet.

Wayne Altman 00:10:33

100%. Love of my life. You're kidding. But we'll be watching a movie and I'll want the volume turned way up. And she just can't sit and listen to the movie at the same volume as me. Or will be in a car going to Las Vegas for a volleyball tournament or something, and without even thinking, I'll turn a song up and my level of hearing it, everyone else in the car thinks that they're at an AC DC concert. So it's very difficult to deal with the people and the relationships around you manage those because you're number 170 percent deaf. And number two, what you do here is this intense screaming going on in your ears. It's tough.

Tracy Wilson 00:11:18

Yeah. And so with that, and then you going down there realizing, gosh, this is something that's happening for me and obviously happening for others. And if we relate that kind of noise that goes on that from an entrepreneurial standpoint or just even for this day and age, right? It's like we are so busy trying to do a million and one things in the hours that we've got that most people, I would say, go to bed at nighttime. Like, mind is ticking, trying to figure, thinking about all the things that you described. What did I do during the day? What did I achieve? What have I got to do tomorrow? What's coming up next week? So on and so forth. And so it makes it difficult sometimes to try and just get that moment of peace where A, you could go to sleep nicely and have a decent night's sleep or even just during the day be able to give yourself a bit of peace and quiet, to be able to consume and absorb what you need to do in that moment because it gives you that level of focus to be able to achieve what it is that you've set out to do in that particular day. So what I want to talk about now is kind of like, let's talk about the science of binaryal beads and celebrity and how that's kind of come about and how the different wave like, I mean, I'm going to get a little bit technical here, but how the wavelengths actually impact us. Like, how does that work and what does that actually mean? What's going on when we put that set of headphones on?

Wayne Altman 00:12:58

Yeah, it's a great question. Look, we known Solfeggio,  from the 11th century. It was observed in the 11th century. There was an Italian monk in the 11th century, guido Diarezo, he observed, didn't discover it, but he observed that even if you can't sing or play a musical instrument, you know, when they're out of tune or when someone is singing out of tune, and that's true for all of us. We all laugh when we hear someone singing out of tune. And we may not be able to carry a note in a bucket. I can't play one instrument, but I know in a piano someone has struck a sour note. That's basically Solfeggio, , that recognition of a bad vibration. So once you bring that back to people and they're able to get that the correct vibration back, you will awaken intuition, you will bring them to focus. You will those pleasant pieces of music that, you know, energize you and get you ready for a workout. You can take ten people into a gym. Every one of them will carry a musical list that they're going to listen to while they work out. You will be able to tell very quickly the people that are going for a workout or going in there to check everybody out, because the music list, the things that they're going to listen to, vary in intensity. Someone who really wants to get a good workout in is not listening to Chikovsky, Beethoven, Chopping, no. They're listening to Iron Maiden, AC DC, something with a lot of energy and a lot of just Metallica. They're in there, seriously. Or let's say that you and I are walking down the street. We're going to go have lunch, but I need to stop into a church, my church. I got to stop in the minute. You and I, you don't go to this church, but the minute that you hear that dirge, that organ playing, you know, lower your voice, be respectful. We we don't have to say a word to one another over it. We know that that is it's. What brings us to that point, that is a great definition of Solfeggio, , being able to recognize and having that music affect our emotions. So melody clouds our mantra. Our catchphrase is take charge of your mood. Take charge of your mood, the ability, if you're angry, to not be angry. Listen to music that makes you happy.

Tracy Wilson 00:15:48

That point there. And it's interesting because I was thinking about this the other day, and in fact, I said to my husband, I want to take my mood to another level. What I'm going to do in the morning, I'm going to put on music. And that was actually, literally said that to him the other week. Every morning I'm going to turn on the music because as soon as you do that, it gets you into the mood. I don't know if anyone else does this crazy thing, but if ever I'm doing the housework, I usually wrote my husband into helping me with it, too. And the music goes on and off we go, and we set to work and we're listening to the music and we're doing a house work, and it makes for a much more enjoyable experience doing something that is not particularly enjoyable for a lot of people. So this whole concept of kind of like using music, because what's fascinating about this is that, yes, it has the ability to change your mood, but for you, it's actually tuning. It's almost like this fine tuning instrument that enables it to tune, almost your brain to tune out that unnecessary ringing that's going on.

Wayne Altman 00:16:56

Correct? Yeah. binoral beats is a little bit different. And that's where it gets super scientific, right? Our brains are electrical instruments. They operate. Our brainwaves are electrical. It communicates with our entire body through electrical impulses. Our thoughts are all electrical and they vary in their strength or their hurts. They're measured and hurts and at 432 go into a very deep REM sleep. So if with a binaural beat, what you're doing is you take one frequency that goes in one ear, one frequency different goes into another ear, your brain then matches. It makes the difference. So you only hear the one frequency. For me, 432 drops me like a sack of potatoes. So if I'm laying in bed and my mind is going racing, right, I know I've got some soft headphones right by the bed, and I will turn 432 on a song, specific song, within a couple of seconds. Seriously, I haven't gone to the second verse or the second part of this song ever. Never heard it. Because it puts me to sleep that quickly. Now people ask me all the time, are there side effects to binaural beats? Yes, there are side effects for binaural beats, especially for me. I feel way more energized when I wake up. So one of the side effects is I'm getting a better night's sleep. I sleep deeper, I feel refreshed. Unfortunately, you can tell that it's done nothing for my beauty, but maybe I'm just not sleeping long enough. The other thing that it does is it prevents me from having to use pharmaceuticals. It prevents me from having to take a melatonin. Or as one of the mothers, my daughter plays volleyball and one of the mothers came to me and she said, I take four Benadryl before I go to bed every night. And I did not know what to say to that. I can't tell you what the damage you're doing to your liver is by taking four Benadryl every single night, but I cannot imagine a scenario where that's a good plan and a good use for that medicine. It doesn't say anything on the packaging for that. And I'll go back to one thing. We knew this instinctively since day one of man because this for me, put the science in it and the woo woo out of it. We use music from day one to communicate to one another and to other tribes. Because when we beat wardrums and we used music to intimidate maybe another tribe that was thinking of attacking, or when they would come by and we were celebrating in mid celebration. They could tell that there was no danger because of the type of music that was being played, that we were playing and dancing to. So we have been using music in this way from day one, and we will until the last day. That is just the human's way of communicating with one another and manipulating our moods and our thoughts and communicating to one another.

Tracy Wilson 00:20:27

We go back to the beginning of mankind, and I guess this stuff has been something that we have always used. Humans have always used music to influence our mood, influence the environment, so many things. And like you say, we are energetic beings.

Wayne Altman 00:20:51

One more. So, movies, television programs, okay? Every movie, with the exception of about 17 out of the millions of movies that have been made, even silent movies were not silent. Silent movies had someone in the front of the theater banging away on a piano, telling you what to think about whatever it was you were watching on the screen. And I go back and I use the movie Wall E, perfect example of this for small children, four, five-year-old children, getting them to sit still for any period of time, let alone 2 hours for a movie, almost impossible. It is an hour and 40 minutes into Wally before the first dialogue is spoken. You watch that little robot run around that planet and you listen to the music, and you hear him falling in love, and you see him having problems. There's no words being spoken. So how everyone knew exactly how to feel about what's going on, those images on the screen is exactly what we're talking about right now.

Tracy Wilson 00:22:00

It's so true. I mean, you see that in every single movie, right? You go and watch a blockbuster, and it has got either it's epic music or it's got romantic music or something in there that helps to create the scene, helps to create how you should feel about it, helps to enhance the story. There's a whole bunch of things that are done.

Wayne Altman 00:22:23

The movie The Birds offered Hitchcock The Birds, one of the movies I'm talking about that does not have a soundtrack. There's no musical score to the birds. And Alfred Hitchcock had to fight very hard with the studio because the studio knew how important this was. And no one's going to watch your movie because there's no music to tell him how to feel. He used that, the lack of music as a tool to make that movie even more terrifying than it already was. The only music that you hear is the commercials that are played on the radio during the movie. It's a very cool technique.

Tracy Wilson 00:23:00

Fascinating, isn't it, when you think about sort of that power of music and the power of sound. So let's kind of take this now to how can an entrepreneur or a business owner actually utilize the likes of Melody Clouds, which is what you've created, and we'll talk a little bit more about what that is and why you created, et cetera, in a moment. But what is it that an entrepreneur or a business owner could do to help utilize these tools that we're now talking about today to help them improve their level of focus, their level of success in their business, even? Maybe you've got some examples of people.

Wayne Altman 00:23:46

That have utilized this 100%. I get flooded with email. I go spend at least an hour, hour and a half going through email every day from just this thing to answer your question, focus. If you run your own business, if you're trying to do any kind of entrepreneurial activity, you know that the more time you can spend in deep concentration, deep thought, and focus on tasks, the better off you're going to be, the better outcome you're going to be getting and being able to recreate. Everyone is familiar with the term, oh, he's in the zone, or she's really in the zone. Everyone knows that. Well, that is a frequency that your brain is communicating at, and it can be replicated. It can be replicated in most people very quickly. And I say most people. Because one of the things that's great about Binaural Beats especially, and what convinced me that this was actually real was something that was kind of odd. Because just like with medication, if you go to the doctor and he prescribes a medication to you and it doesn't work the way it was intended, you don't stop taking medications. What do you do? You go back to the doctor, he prescribes another medication. He says, all right, well, we're going to tweak the dosage, right? These things vary between individuals. So whether it's a heart medication or whether it's a little blue pill, you will vary dosage. You will vary what the ingredients are in that. The same thing is true with Solfeggio, . The frequencies that work for me may not be the same exact frequencies that work for you in bringing you to that focus. What I do know is that everyone that I've ever run into contact with, we've been able to find, or they have been able to find those frequencies that actually do accomplish the task that they want.

Tracy Wilson 00:25:57

That's a really good point to make, because I think what some people could fall into the trap of, oh, I'm going to go and find one of these beats. I'm going to play one of them. And that didn't do anything for me. And then dismiss it. But like you found right when your friend said to you, hey, come and try these out, put this set of headphones on and played a couple, and it was like, it didn't really do much. And then you got to sort of that third one and like you're saying, oh my gosh, I went white. And he was like, boom, there it is. That's the one that's actually making it saying anything.

Wayne Altman 00:26:29

He knew that's the one because of my reaction to it. And the same would be whether it's 936 hertz for enlightenment. People who want to feel spiritual, they're doing meditation, guided meditations, and they want that spiritual feeling. They come to me and we have those tracks that are going to help you feel that comfort. That's very good. With PTSD patients, by the way, which we're working with more and more and more PTSD and also geriatric patients, people that are suffering memory loss or Alzheimer's.

Tracy Wilson 00:27:10


Wayne Altman 00:27:11

Dementia, right. Calming them down and making them understand that, listen, this is parts of your brain. We're going to stimulate parts of your brain and bring you that comfort. Very proud. What started as tinnitus. And I thought, well, look, I got a great product. I'm going to just do tinnitus. Over time, built to 8000 hours of binaural beats and Solfeggio,  asops fables. It's grown so quickly.

Tracy Wilson 00:27:45

I absolutely love these stories when you sort of almost become the accidental entrepreneur, right, because you're trying to find something to solve a problem for yourself, and then you suddenly realize that, oh my gosh, I'm not the only person that's having this problem. And then you realize that it's actually a much bigger issue. And then you go out and you step towards creating a product and or service that actually has a real need for it, and you've provided now a real solution. So let's talk a little bit about Melody Cloud. So obviously things have happened very, very quickly for you. Like we said, the accidental entrepreneur. Boom, you found a solution, and then you've set to work to build up to a point where you've got like 8000 different audio tracks, ebooks, et cetera. Tell us a little bit about tell us a little bit about that journey, what's that been like over the last several months.

Wayne Altman 00:28:48

So when I finally realized, okay, that this is bigger than what I'm, I started doing intuition. I started doing all of these different binaural beats. And I would run into people who were looking for guided meditations. They knew that they wanted to meditate, but they didn't have any really good guided meditation or self hypnosis where they wanted to lose weight or quit smoking. Then I started thinking a little bit outside, a little further outside the box, and I realized that, look, what people really want most of all is a place to be able to relax, something portable that would be able to go with them and they would be able to relax, and we all do that differently. Some people give you an example. Some people like reading, and it relaxes them. Some people like being read, too. They hate reading, but they would really rather be read, too. Well, Melody clouds, we've solved that issue. We've got 17,000 audiobooks. We've got 30,000 books for people that all the classics are there. And then I started thinking, okay, what about nature sounds? And so we have built a library, and you are able to go in and piece together the environment that you want to surround you. Owls hooting at the beach with a campfire. Absolutely. That's not an issue. Waves crashing on the floor next to a river. Hey, we can make that happen. And so all of these things started to piece together, and then I realized the other services, because there are other services, I get this all the time. People say, no, well, you've got so much competition out there. Well, frankly, I don't have any competition, let's be very honest. But I realized that there isn't a restaurant in the world that does not serve a hamburger. And if competition was the problem, then there would be no McDonald's or Burger King or any there were too many places to get a hamburger. The competition would be too fierce. Yet they all survive just fine. We all can coexist. It's just not an issue. So I thought, well, what would give me an edge? And one of the things that I said to myself was, hey, listen, I don't need to get rich off of people who are suffering and are looking for a place to sow $2.99 to try it for 60 days. That was my answer. I'm going to give you 60 days to find out whether you want to come on this journey with me and Melody Clouds. After that, $5.99 per month. Now, there's nowhere in the world you can get a cup of coffee anymore for that kind of money. I live in California. Gallon of gas is much more than that. So I thought to myself, all right, look, that's pretty good. I want to bring as many people, help as many people as I can. I think that's a very fair price. Everyone seems to be in agreement with that, and we're doing just great.

Tracy Wilson 00:31:59

That is such a hats off to you. I love these stories of the accidental entrepreneur, and then you're just kind of seeing that, but not just going, I might do this, but actually really going for it and growing such a substantial business in a very short space of time. So hats off to you for that and to make it affordable for people realizing that. Do you know what? My bigger mission here is not about making a whole heap of money. It's actually about helping my fellow mankind, like helping them to live better, more focus, more joyful lives, which I absolutely love. I've got a question for. You because you mentioned this, and I think it's really interesting because I had somebody else on the podcast a few weeks ago, and we were talking about this concept of the only one. And for those of you that are a little curious now about what I'm talking about, you can go back into my into my archives and find the episode that's with Roy Osing where we talked about being the only one. So I want to know, you mentioned competition. I don't have any competition. Why do you say you don't have any? I love that, by the way, what makes it so that you are the only one that has this? What makes Melody Clouds so different to anybody, to anybody else? I mean, people can go and look up Binaural Beats on YouTube, but why should they come to Melody Clouds? I've got some ideas, but I want to hear from you.

Wayne Altman 00:33:30

Well, number one number one, I'm going to say this with every bit of seriousness. Me. Okay? People who like me are going to like this, the excitement and the way that I can explain this. So I'm going to be very frank with you. None of these other companies have me and my attitude. And I'll tell you one thing, when someone downloads our app, our iOS app, or Android app, I don't take any information, and I don't allow Apple or Android to have any of their information because I'm running an experiment. I want to see whether people really do get bothered by their information being everywhere. I suspect no, I suspect that that's actually not what people are upset about. But we're going to find out that's number one. Number two, I didn't want to dig in. We're going through what I think is going to be a recession, a global recession, and I didn't want to be bothering people that may already be suffering. And I would like to bring them along on this journey. As a matter of fact, give them something that they can also partake in. There's no difference in memberships when it comes to Melody Clouds. Every single person, whether they're a year member, whether they're a lifetime member, or whether they are a monthly member, they get access to the same exact content. So we're all being treated equally here, okay? And it's that attitude that's what I think separates me from the pack is, listen, I don't need to take all of your money, Tracy. I don't need $30 a month or whatever it was you were going to spend for entertainment, okay? But if you gave me a little and I bring a large group of people, we can all have something that is going to entertain all of us. I'll give you an example of this. You're familiar with Esop's fables? I love asop's fables. I think one of the problems with kids in the youngest generation that we have is they've never been exposed to those lessons that Socrates and Plato were familiar with. So we've had these almost from the beginning of recorded history, the stories that Esop handed to us, morality. Okay, that bothered me. So one of my very good friends, very dear friend of mine is in the Radio Hall of Fame. He's a DJ in the Radio Hall of Fame. He's very good. Gary Meyer. Gary, shout out to you. So I got him on the phone one night, and I said, Gary, I want you to read these stories. I'm going to put them on Melody Clouds for kids, and I want your voice. I want you teaching these lessons. We have had so much fun. And when people are able to hear these and they hear these stories of the eagle and the foxes and the fox and the grape and the crow and the pitch when they hear these stories and they remember I have had people much older than me contact me, come up to me and be in tears saying, that brought me back. I forgot that story, that lesson. I forgot that lesson. And I'm so glad that someone is bringing this back, because we seem to be in a time where everybody has their own truth, and we forget sometimes that, hey, look, man, there's truth and then there's nothing.

Tracy Wilson 00:37:15

I hope everybody has taken away from what you've just said there, because you're starting saying, nobody else has me. Right? And that's one of the things that we talk about here on the Unlocked show all the time, is that there is nobody else like you that is listening today. You that is watching today. That is the number one reason why you should go out and follow your dreams and create the thing that create your own business, if that's what you want to do. Because the very first thing is you will have no competition, because there is nobody else like you. The other thing that struck me when you were talking about some of the features that Melody Clouds has is this ability to be able to create something that is specifically for me. So when you were talking about, all right, if you really want to listen to an owl at the beach with a fire bonfire burning, then you can have those sounds. And that would be very tailored to what I want to listen to, rather than just going and grabbing something that was fairly generic. So I think that's a beautiful story in and of itself, and those stories of being able to tap into and share those Esop fables, the hearing, the tortoise and those sorts of things with our young children. Right. Which leads me to yesterday. Funny that you should talk about this, because I have just started playing with writing some children's books, and last night I had my granddaughter on Zoom with me, and actually, it was on Facebook Messenger. Facebook messenger with me, asking me about my day. And I was asking her about school and the telling her that I was written this book. And she said, Well, NAN, can I read it? So of course we bring it up. She starts to read it and after the story was finished, I had written it for a six year old. She's now ten, but her younger brother was there who was four. And she says, NAN, I want to summarize that story. Let me summarize it. And she summarized it so beautifully. She said that that story is about being different, is about being unique. It's about the, the quote, in a world full of roses be a sunflower. And anyway, so this is this ten year old kid, my granddaughter, explaining to me the moral of the story that I had written about, about a sloth, about a big teddy bear that they, that her and her brother have that they won at a carnival a few years back. So it's really interesting that those kind of stories I digress a little bit, but it just goes to show that those kind of stories, but even for children, they understand or they pull out for themselves, what does that story mean for them? And I think that's really important. Now the other part that I want to talk about here is this is the melody clouds. We've talked about the pricing, we've talked about how people can get on board with it. And in a moment I will share links as to where they can go to sign up to melody clouds if they want to listen. What would you recommend that a business owner or an entrepreneur does to start incorporating these things into their daily life? How frequently should they be listening to them? Is it an everyday thing? Is it so many times a day? What's the norm?

Wayne Altman 00:40:46

Well, what I tell people is you need to think of melody clouds or you need to think of it if you're going into business. You need to have a tool belt and you need to have a toolbox. The tool belt goes with you everywhere. The toolbox you can keep going back and dipping into. You need to know where to get certain things for the Internet, help with making a meme or social media help. You need to know all of these things that you're going to constantly be using. Now, in the case of melody clouds, if you are feeling a little bit unfocused, spend 15 minutes listening to your frequency and help you get that focus back. Or if you're tired, you step away. You listen to something that's going to guide you, maybe a guided meditation that's going to put you back in the frame of mind that you know will put you in the zone. So these things are extremely important and if you're not using this as like a tool, then you've really kind of missed the point when you're just mindlessly surfing through Netflix for the next thing to watch. That defeats the purpose of Netflix, in my opinion. You find things that you're interested in, things that are going to enlighten you and educate you and entertain you, but use it as a tool. Don't watch things that you know you're not going to appreciate and that are only going to infuriate you. My wife tries to keep me off reddit all the time for that very reason because everything that comes up to me, I'm blown away by. So knowing what changes your mood in the right way and what will foster you to think deeper or maybe to care about people a little bit more, that's what I would tell you to do. I mean, you've got to use all of these things as tools. You've got to have those in your tool belt and in that toolbox.

Tracy Wilson 00:42:51

That's a great way of putting it, because you're right. As entrepreneurs and as business owners, we need to have tools and resources at our fingertips that we can use for all different purposes. And one of the things that I'm picking up through this conversation too is that understanding what it is that we want or we need in that moment. So if it's you mentioned that some people come to you because they want to get closer or deeper with this level of spirituality and so therefore they will go down a particular path. Others come to you because they want to get rid of the ringing in their ear. Then there's something for them. Then there might be somebody else who's just wanted to get some balance and some focus in their life. Then there's something for them, somebody else who wants to sleep better at night. So whatever the situation is for you say in that moment, there is something on Melody Clouds that will help you to gain that balance and inner peace using these tools and the resources that you have collected and put. Them in one place for people to now utilize them like it's giving them a hammer, a saw and a screwdriver, so to speak, and building up their toolbox. And the way in which they now use them is entirely up to them. They can go away and make a basic box or they can make an elaborate cabinet.

Wayne Altman 00:44:10

Yeah. So I'll go one step further to kind of further illustrate what we're talking about here. There's two things on melody Clouds that I am extremely proud of. Number one is lullabies. We have, I think it's 800 hours of lullabies and the lullabies on melody clouds are cut to 20 hours increments. Now, anyone that's not heard my explanation wants to know why I would do something like that. And I read a scientific paper. I was a young parent at one time, had babies. And I learned that one of the first skills we learn as a human being is self soothing, is to be able to soothe our self. And normally that happens within three to six months of our being presented to the earth. Okay? So when you put your baby down, you put them in a nice, clean, safe environment. They're fed. They've just been fed. And you put on melody clouds, you put on a lullaby. When they wake up, they will be in that same surrounding with the same track of music playing. So it's familiar. They wake up at the start, but they realize very quickly, okay, I'm in the same condition that I fell asleep in. And they learn to self soothe about 30% to 40% quicker, sooner. So we pick up that skill way quicker when there's no threat, when we feel safe. And that's part of it. The second thing I will say is when people sit down with their young children now, our kids are a little bit older. We know that reading to them, kids that have been read to are smarter. Not a little bit smarter, but a lot smarter. They have better language skills, they have better logic. They have all of these educational things we know, and it's all over the Internet. You can check anywhere. Kids that have been read to. Now, the difference between today and a few years ago, some of these kids have only one parent, and that parent is forced out of the home to work. So what is a mother to do or a father to do when they come home and they're exhausted from their day of work? You may not feel like reading an esop table to your child, but you can sit there while your child is listening to these stories and get the same exact effect. So you're sitting there quietly in their presence and listening to the same exact story and realizing that your child is getting that morality, that education, right, stimulating their brain. And you're right there during the whole process, and you're not further exhausted by your day. Or maybe you're cooking a meal and your child is being entertained by one of the greatest storytellers I've ever met in my life.

Tracy Wilson 00:47:17

Gary Meyer what a wonderful way, all about efficiency and productivity, too, but how to assist the adult and the child at the same time, and both of you coming out of that experience for the better. In closing, I want to ask you this question. Where do you see or where do you envisage the future of the use of things like binary beads in society or even in schools and in the wellness industry? Where do you see this going?

Wayne Altman 00:47:54

So we are right now at the beginning stages, and this has been studied very intently during the way up to now. And they're using it more and more to treat certain diseases. And it makes sense if you really stop and think about it. When someone is in an accident, we take them to the hospital. And we do that for a reason. We take them to the hospital because it's safe, it's warm, it's dry, they'll be fed and their brain will have only one thing to do and that's direct resources in their body to heal them. Now that's very important. And everyone knows in every culture that we move people away from whatever trauma they've suffered and we put them in a place that is like that. So we're going to be using this more and more in the future. We're also going to be using this to liberate people from we have the ability to block guilt, people that are suicidal, people that are clinically depressed. You can physically change people's moods. We know the power of mind exactly. We know that this works in every one of our experiences. Even if you don't listen to music, and music is not what it does it for you. And there are very few people like that. Most all of us respond to a certain type of music. I defy anyone to listen to a banjo play and not get a big smile on their face. So we know that that vibration has a lot of power. Also specifically to melody clouds. One of the things that we are working on right now, and I think I've cracked this, is be able to take those binaural beats, take those frequencies and place those over every type of music. So whatever's on your playlist, you will be able to you don't have to listen to Woo Woo, Digger Redo and Drums. You don't have to listen to that. You'll be able to listen to it over to Pesh mode. You'll be able to listen it over to Red Hot Chili Peppers, or I'm showing my age here. But whoever you want to listen to, Taylor Swift or Ed Sheeran, you'll be able to listen to those binaural beats. And it'll be the binaural beats of frequencies themselves, that people will be more educated on what they'll be able to do for them. Specifically.

Tracy Wilson 00:50:30

I think it's such a fascinating thing. And even though it's been around for millions and millions of years, knowing and utilizing music, but now understanding this at a more scientific level, to be able to influence or to even prevent the continued deterioration of people's minds through Alzheimer's and all those determinative type diseases. That we can utilize this to help prevent the speed in which somebody deteriorates. I think it's fantastic. I also love the fact that I've got a new grandchild coming along, so being able to use this sort of thing for soothing, for helping it get a better night's sleep, etc, etc. So I think there's so many wonderful reasons why we should go and explore the use of this type of music. So what I want to let everybody know is you're probably wondering now, where the heck do you go? So I'm just going to pop up on the screen right now if you're watching it's, melodyclouds.com, if you're listening to the podcast today, of course I'm going to have the links in the show notes. Melodyclouds.com, you can set yourself up with an account there for just $2.99 for your first 60 days. You can give it a try, see what it's like, and then come back and let myself and Wayne know. What sort of impact has Melody Clouds had on you? What are you trying to achieve with it? And then after the 60 days, you can decide whether or not you want to continue. And it will just be $5.99 from there on in. If you want to reach out and connect with Wayne, I'm going to again, put up onto the screen right now a couple of places you can go and hang out with him. You'll find them on LinkedIn. You'll also find them on Facebook. So LinkedIn. You can go to Wayne Altman and then also on Facebook. Melody clouds meditation. So go and check out both of those places and make a connection with Wayne. I I'm going to speak for him now, but I'm sure that he will love to connect with you and continue this conversation.

Wayne Altman 00:52:39

Can I just add my email address? The very quick one can reach me and I'm totally open is Wayne Altman@melodyclouds.com. I get tons of email from people from whether It's treatment facilities, whether it's Geriatric facilities, trying to help people, PTSD, whatever it is. There you go. Wow. 100% open to if you want to contact me. And I will say one thing since this is live. So right now we are going through a complete revamp of our website and both of our apps. And I'm hoping that everything goes very smoothly within the next few days. So if you go there and it doesn't work the first time, come back because within the next 48 hours, everything is going to the next release. The second iteration of Melody Clouds is far better than what I originally put out there. So I'm very excited about it, man. I am so excited to get everybody online.

Tracy Wilson 00:53:49

Well, that is phenomenal. I wish you all the best of success. I know what it's like. 2.0 versions are always a lot of fun because it gives you the opportunity to go back and kind of redo the stuff that, oh, I could do this now and this now and this now. And I'm sure that there will be 3.0 and further along, oh, yeah, there'll be continued iterations. Right. So again, if you want to reach out to Wayne, there's the places you can reach out to him LinkedIn, Facebook, and then also drop him an email at Wayneultimon@melodyclouds.com. And of course, if you so wish, you can go and set yourself up an account@melodyclouds.com. And don't forget, we're going through a little bit of a revamp right now at Melodycloud. So you can go back, try again in another couple of days and you'll probably find that the site will be all different hours. Cool. All right, guys. Well, look, I'm going to say thank you so much to Wayne for being such an amazing guest. What an awesome entrepreneurial journey. I love those stories where people have had some kind of hardship or challenged themselves and then all of a sudden they've created an amazing business from that. So I applaud you for that and I look forward to seeing Melody Clouds continue to grow and be the success that I know you've been working towards. And for everybody that's listening today, thank you very much for tuning in. I hope you've enjoyed today's show and you grabbed a whole bunch of little gold nuggets out of the episode today. And if you found this interesting, if you think that there might be somebody else that would be interested in utilizing Binaural Beats or utilizing Melody Clouds, then please make sure that you share this episode with other people. So that they, too, can feel the benefits of utilizing these tools and they can add some more tools to their little tool belt and their toolbox. So until next time, as I always say, go and live your life unlocked because there is just no other way. Thanks everybody, and bye for now.